Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Motivated or De-motivated

Are you motivated or de-motivated? Do you have what it takes or do you not? What is it that you are looking for? Let me duly point out that I am not going to address you on this issue but am going to seek your advice instead.

I am not very old a person, having finished my graduation of late and entered the field of making money. How do you define success? I can tell you that a lot of people definitely demarcate success with money. You might be surprised to know that there are a few who relate success with the number of lives you have made a positive impact on. Now these people with the latter belief, according to me, have abundance of money. So how would you precisely term success? I understand that this question could lead to an unending debate with no unerring conclusion. Conversely, I would still appreciate your opinions, as I might stumble across an answer that I just may possibly be looking for. It might even help you getting around to a more enhanced conclusion if not an accurate one.

I have been introspecting myself for quite a while now, in order to comprehend what interests me. What I have managed to unearth instead is that, my interest does not last long on anything? I might be very engrossed in something today, whereas tomorrow may be a totally different ball game. As you may realise that change is important but accompanied with a certain extent of permanence. What I lack is the right amount of permanence. What is it supposed to indicate? Does it imply that I should change my ways or is there something that is just right for me and waiting to be found.

It is not that there is nothing that draws my attention, but that it fails to draw my attention consistently. I should not be wrong by stating that there are more people apart from me with a similar situation. This question should assist in providing a part of the solution to their problems.

People might tend to lose the essence of life lest they do not know what it is that they are looking for. The desire to go on and go forth will cease if people are unaware of what brings them content. Even more so if they fail to realise a path that will aid them to realise it.

A plant or a tree has an ultimate purpose to flourish, survive and procreate. This can be correlated to permanency. Whereas they adapt to change as well, in case if there is a change in environment and surroundings. If they fail to change, the new overcomes the old, yet there must be an extent of permanency. The right balance between the two is required. It is striking the right note of equilibrium that helps you to flourish. I must conclude by saying that it is this balance that makes a man motivated or de-motivated?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Logic Behind F Taboo

Ever think of, why men are more susceptible to committing adultery or having sexual intercourse with different partners. Why is it that women are more possessive (traditionally)? What is the reason behind men being more possessive these days? Why do couples want to have children?

The answers or the more likely reasons that I am about to put across to you are from a book which I read called “Aghora”. It discourses about the life and ideologies of the nude saints of India. Well strange as they may sound, let me tell you their ideologies seem very pragmatic.

The vagina of a woman is hollow, it is like an empty hole and the penis of a man resembles the pole that fits the hole. When a man and a woman are in love they want to cuddle each other, find ways to develop their intimacy as their relationship grows. They always feel like taking their relationship a step further. The same way a job gets boring if it is not challenging enough, so does a relationship if there are no ways for each other to vent out their love.

Initially, they start cuddling each other. When they want to take it a step further, they get into a sexual intercourse trying to become one. Even though they physically do not become one, yet they feel as one during the intercourse. It is this reason due to which the word couple is singular and not plural. So where does this cycle of expressing love end? It is a continuous process, the couple cuddles each other, has sexual intercourse. Then they have children, whom they cuddle, after that they have grand children whom they again cuddle and fondle.

A man has his penis which is always trying to fill up holes, while a woman has a hole waiting to be filled. If you will observe, it is the woman who accepts the penis or she is the one who accepts the man into herself. She is the one who lets the man in, trying to get themselves to be one. This is what probably makes the woman to be so possessive.

On the other hand the penis keeps searching for holes to be filled up. As a result the man tends to look for more than one partner to satisfy. But there is another question, why is man becoming more possessive these days?

The vagina can accept any penis irrespective of the size, whereas a penis is deprived of that boon. Thus, many a men feel that they might not be able to satisfy their woman adequately, which in turn might instigate them to look for another partner to satiate her thirst. Thus men have the tendency to become more possessive due to their sense of insecurity.

Well I have imparted to you, what I wanted to for today. Hope it was of some use to you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


“I do not know if I hate or like what I am doing”. People always say that you should do whatever you like to do. That is quite a good suggestion. But what about those who do not quite know, what is it that they want to do. These are the ‘Mystifieds’. I think I can term myself as a mystified.

I do not know if I like the job that I am doing right now, I do not know whether I like to write, I do not know whether I like to watch movies or read books, whether I would like to party everyday or do I want to stay back home. I am clueless about the job profile that suits me best, where the employer will be able to utilize on my potential. I know that I have potential, it is just that I fail to realise where it is.

A lot of ideas seem to be quite interesting to me, but they all interest me to a certain point after which they all seem to wither away. How do you know, the thing that you like to do the most? Or is it that my mind starts deflecting towards various things at the same point of time. Is it that I should hold on to one thing and give it a shot.

It is said that, get a hold on your brain and you can achieve almost anything. It sounds a bit fascinating to me that the brain should ask itself to get a grip on it. Where do we exist as an individual or as the brain. If you read my last two writings, you will notice that they will indicate the amount of bewilderment that I am in currently.

This is exactly what I wanted to convey to you, “the amount of perplexity that I have at this stage in life”.

I am sorry if I have wasted your time, but this is what I felt at this point of time, and this is what I wanted to ink out.

The Plunge

“You ask me those many questions and I can never work!”. What a statement to welcome you in to your new work life. Back in college the teachers would say “What is wrong with you boy, do you not have the urge to learn. If you do not ask the right kind and amount of questions, you will never learn.”

That is where the difference comes in between your student life and your work life, going opposite ways. It might make you wonder, how is it that I always write about something this boring or on a topic that has been debated about for centuries. The answer to it is, I do not write to give you the conclusion of a new theory or a study, but I write to express my thoughts and convey it to those who might feel the same way as I do and are able to relate to.

I feel at this juncture where I have very recently entered the work environment to be most perplexing. As a student all you had to do was pursue your studies. At this stage, I feel confounded due to a lack of direction. It is here that I feel, I hardly know myself at all, or whether I should be taking up familial responsibilities or should I fulfil the desires that I wanted to but could not afford to.

Are all the rich (a.k.a successful) people happy with the colossal amount of money that they possess? If they have earned that kind of money, then it must have taken them a lot of hard work and consumed 80% of their time (leaving the rest of the 20% to be accounted for sleep). Are they happy with their lives? In my view they must be addicted to money, they might be petrified to take a vacation for the fear of a change in direction of the flow of money. Suppose even if they were to go on a vacation even for a day, will they be able to say “This is it, I am on vacation now and I shall not think about my work at all for this one day”. Will they be able to do that? I think not. The more the amount of money you earn, the more it demands your perpetual attention.

This is not where it ends. What about the people who do not have that kind of money, are they happy? They are not happy either; they have their own set of problems. There are many who have seen their near and dear ones pass away because they did not have the required amount of money for the necessary medication.

Where is the break-even point? Where is it that we humans remain happy? Do we feel satisfied with money or do we feel complete even without it. A lot of religions say that renounce it all and there you will find satisfaction. That does not seem to be a satisfactory rejoinder. To me that seems more like “If you cannot have it, give up on it”. There must be some other alternative where you can even out the odds.

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Big Start

This is where it all starts. I use this forum as a mean to vent my thoughts. People say that the sun rises, bringing along with it the break of dawn. However, the idea of blogging had been lingering in my mind for a long time though, but gained perspective when I happened to stumble across the postings of someone else.

What was I waiting for? Damn! that is a question I find hard to answer myself, not at the rarest but the most frequenting moments. Everyday, I swivel my head from side to side, to find people trying to fight their way out. For some the motivational pushover is survival, whereas for some it could be termed as 'Ambition'. But, for the fact they all have it, something to drive them towards the light, is where my vision fails me.

The next thought that crosses your mind, "Hey it's just another arsehole bringing out his anecdote, which would turn out to be the epitome of idiocy." But, I sit and write here not for those who fail to draw the curtain of ignorance, and have gone blind or deaf, but for those who might be able to relate, and may be able to pick up clues to fit their never-ending puzzle.

That is one thing, we never get tired of looking at. Everywhere, all the time. It is like they are constantly crawling through your skin and tugging from beneath or acting as a substitute for the pacemaker. They are those species who will fight for their existence and contradictarily annihilate their own habitat while not even sparing their own means of existence.

Their could be many explanations to this uncanny behaviour. Conclusions can be drawn from various outlooks. My prospect may be agreeable to a view or may contravene the same. However, I will put forth my views inconsiderably but not with the intention of vitiating sentiments.

There are times, when I feel like tossing it all out the window and entering a life of solitude. Then again there are times, which makes me realise that it would negate the value of my whole existence. There is also another outlook to it, we tend to get so habituated to, which makes it all the more difficult to break the chain.

It starts to become a part of your everyday life, to fight a battle, and your life reduces to nothing but a mere battle. The warfield may seem to feel like heaven comapred to what you have to put up against as a common man. On the battle field, the soldiers are constantly aware of the fact that they are under constant surveillance. But when it comes to the common lives (which is the inappropropriate utilisation of the term), they are under someone's eye, but under who's eye (not many are aware of). The challenges and threats they face are incessant in diminishing a man's moral values. But it is at this point, which differentiaites a superhuman and a mundane one. This might invoke a thought in your mind about having come across this or similar statements many a time, but on a generic note, it is with consistency that thoughts are comprehensively and perennially etched in the mind.

The first thing that flashes across my mind when correlated with people, is trust. It might be said that in this epoch, where a section of the humans are bent on the ruination of the world, whereas there is the other part(comaparatively smaller in number) who strive for the betterment. The question is, which side of the river do we dock. Do we buy what the dubious person has to say, or do we just scrutinize him and most probably deject absolutely everything that he has to offer. The series of questions are difficult to answer. A lot of people can figuratively read faces, some get strong hunches, some indulge into a gruelling thought process. Even then we can never be certain.

What is the reason behind our uncertainity? It is a question that we ponder over for long hours maybe without reaching to a conclusion even. Going with my perspective, maybe we torment ourselves unconsciously, prioritizing our past and the future over our present. Thought processes similar to this, need to undergo a transformation. It is time to lend a greater amount of significance to the present over the present and the future. We ought to concentrate on 'This is now'. There is never 'nothing happening'. Significant things keep occuring all the time, maybe directly in your own life or indirectly relating to you. All one needs is presence of mind. Most of us are so engrossed with the other tenses, that they forego the present.

If we can buckle down, concentrate on what we do at every particular moment without considering the past or the present, we might be able to recover lost ground. There are many a instance when we think about consequences and the events of the past, that restrains us from accomplishing many victories. It is this that instills fear in us, making us paralyzed without allowing us to optimize ourselves to the fullest. I do not ask you to ignore the past and the future, but place the present on a higher level of significance to pave the raod to hit the bulls eye!